HAWK Advisers: Blog
Traditional vs. Self-Funded Health Plans
What is self-funding? According to the Health Care Administrators Association, in practical terms, self-insured employers pay for claims out-of-pocket as they are presented instead of paying a pre-determined premium to an insurance carrier for a fully-insured plan....
Not-At-Fault Car Accidents & Workers’ Compensation
Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of catastrophic injury and death to persons of all ages in the United States. Many of these motor vehicle accidents happen during the workday and involve people going to and from work or completing job-related tasks. If you...
What Do the Initials Behind My Insurance Adviser’s Name Mean?
There are many advisory positions where industry professionals have designations – doctors, lawyers, realtors, and your insurance adviser. Why? Because these industries require professionals to hone in on an area of expertise. You would not want to speak to a...
Seminar Recap: Surviving Workers’ Compensation & Employee Benefits in 2019
Stephen Hamilton and Tori Doss unpacked their “Survival Kits” at our seminar on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 to help businesses prepare for workers’ compensation and employee benefits survival in 2019. Here is what they believe are the most important items packed in...
October 2018: OSHA Update
Last week, the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) issued a standard interpretation clarifying its position on the new record-keeping rule’s anti-retaliation provisions. OSHA’s memorandum essentially “rolls back” its enforcement of the...
Meet Susan, our Claims & Commercial Lines Specialist!
Susan Carter, CIC, CISR Claims & Commercial Lines Specialist Susan Carter leads the HAWK Commercial Lines team in our efforts to deliver responsive and engaging claims management support. Susan’s distinguished insurance career includes 3 decades of underwriting,...
Do You Own Your Energy?
What do others think of you? I know, we have been told many times in our lives “don’t worry about what other people think of you.” While there is truth to this statement, the reality is that YOU have control over what others think of you. How? Because we “own our...
ACA Compliance Seminar: 5 Key Takeaways
Over the last 2-3 years, employers and employees alike are facing compounding challenges over rising healthcare & benefit costs. Recent legislative reform and emerging healthcare trends are rapidly changing the employee benefits landscape. At HAWK Advisers, we...
Smoking Fire Safety
Yesterday, our mulch caught on fire. I know, I know, that sounds like it’s not that big of a deal, but it was, and here is why. What started as a relatively small fire turned into a fire that “hopped” from one mulch section to another around our building. The weather...
Invasion of Privacy: Protect Your Business from Cyber Attacks & Sexual Harassment Claims
What is considered an invasion of privacy? This is a legal term used to describe a circumstance where an individual or organization knowingly intrudes upon a person or an organization. In our most recent seminar, "Invasion of Privacy," was the central theme in a two...
Association Health Plans
On January 4, 2018, the U.S. Department of Labor released the first draft of proposed regulations to allow the creation of Association Health Plans (AHPs). The proposed regulation stems from an executive order President Trump issued in October and is the...
Lions, Tigers, and Billions…OH MY!!!
2017 ended the year with approximately $306 Billion in catastrophic losses as a result of global disasters. The insured portion of these global losses is projected to land somewhere north of $135 Billion, making 2017 one of the three most costly years in recorded...
Do you understand your Business Insurance Policy?
Insurance is confusing, so when terms like schedules, endorsements, liability, package policies, exclusions, conditions (you get the idea), get thrown around its natural to feel overwhelmed. That is why it is so important to have an independent insurance adviser as...
OSHA: New Electronic Reporting Requirements
WHO does this affect? OSHA requires employers with 250 or more employees to submit form 300A electronically by December 1, 2017. Employers with 20-249 employees that are classified in certain industries must submit form 300A also by December 1, 2017. This includes,...
OSHA: Crystalline Silica Rule
OSHA issued two standards to protect workers from exposure to respirable crystalline silica. One for construction and the other for general industry and maritime. This allows employers to tailor solutions to the specific conditions in their workplaces. Below, is...
Pet Exclusions
Why does my insurance adviser ask me what kind of dog I own? Did you know that Americans file tens of thousands of home insurance liability claims each year due to dog bites and other dog-related injuries? As a result, insurers spend approximately $570 million dollars...
NCCI: Audit Noncompliance Charge
The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) approved a workers compensation policy endorsement that went into effect on January 1, 2017. An insurance company can charge up to 2x the originally estimated premium when a policy holder is in noncompliance with...
OSHA: Post-Accident Drug Testing
OSHA has a new rule affecting Post-Accident Drug Testing that has been in effect since December 1, 2016 however, there has still been a lot of confusion around what this means. OSHA has imposed new restrictions on long-established PADT practices—these have been...
What’s Your Why?
Founder & CEO of Blue Mobius Marketing, Caitlyn Scaggs, spoke at a recent Marketing Workshop in Blacksburg, VA on “The ‘Why’ of Marketing.” As you can imagine, this spurred my interest and I want to share my insight on this topic with you. By now businesses know...
Little Things Go a Long Way
Do you have a heart for service but aren’t sure where to start? There are so many wonderful and worthy organizations in the Roanoke Valley that sometimes it can feel overwhelming to determine where your time would be best spent. Time is a valuable asset, and as a...
Seminar Recap Part 3: Cyber Security
Our third and final speaker at our “Protecting Your Business” seminar was Rob Garbee from the Roanoke Information Security Exchange (RISE). He spoke about cyber security – a topic that is so important but often neglected. According to Keeper...
Seminar Recap Part 2: Workplace Violence
Officer Johnson and Officer Hodges from the Roanoke City Police Department spoke about workplace violence on August 23, 2017. Their focus was on how to respond to an active shooter or violent intruder in the workplace. There is no right thing to do in this...