Jan 19, 2018 | Business Insurance Tips, Insurance Tips |
2017 ended the year with approximately $306 Billion in catastrophic losses as a result of global disasters. The insured portion of these global losses is projected to land somewhere north of $135 Billion, making 2017 one of the three most costly years in recorded...
Jan 4, 2018 | Business Insurance Tips, Insurance Tips |
Insurance is confusing, so when terms like schedules, endorsements, liability, package policies, exclusions, conditions (you get the idea), get thrown around its natural to feel overwhelmed. That is why it is so important to have an independent insurance adviser as...
Nov 10, 2017 | Insurance Tips, Personal Insurance Tips |
Why does my insurance adviser ask me what kind of dog I own? Did you know that Americans file tens of thousands of home insurance liability claims each year due to dog bites and other dog-related injuries? As a result, insurers spend approximately $570 million dollars...
Oct 2, 2017 | Insurance Tips, Insurance Training & Seminars, Marketing |
Founder & CEO of Blue Mobius Marketing, Caitlyn Scaggs, spoke at a recent Marketing Workshop in Blacksburg, VA on “The ‘Why’ of Marketing.” As you can imagine, this spurred my interest and I want to share my insight on this topic with you. By now businesses know...
Sep 7, 2017 | Business Insurance Tips, General Insurance, Insurance Tips, Insurance Training & Seminars, Personal Insurance Tips |
Do you have a heart for service but aren’t sure where to start? There are so many wonderful and worthy organizations in the Roanoke Valley that sometimes it can feel overwhelming to determine where your time would be best spent. Time is a valuable asset, and as a...
Sep 5, 2017 | Business Insurance Tips, General Insurance, Insurance Tips, Insurance Training & Seminars, Personal Insurance Tips |
Our third and final speaker at our “Protecting Your Business” seminar was Rob Garbee from the Roanoke Information Security Exchange (RISE). He spoke about cyber security – a topic that is so important but often neglected. According to Keeper...
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