Jan 21, 2020 | Business Insurance Tips, Insurance Tips |
One of the biggest expenses affecting small businesses is workers’ compensation insurance, which covers expenses associated with injuries to employees while on the job. Workers’ compensation is one way that small business employers can help protect the...
Nov 15, 2019 | Business Insurance Tips, General Insurance, Insurance Tips, Personal Insurance Tips |
There is a popular new mobility option that has hit the streets in Roanoke – Lime Scooters. In fact, they have not just hit Roanoke’s streets, according to Lime’s website, they have been introduced to more than 100 cities worldwide. Lime encourages...
Oct 29, 2019 | Business Insurance Tips, HAWK News, Insurance Tips, Insurance Training & Seminars |
HAWK Advisers took a deep dive into the murky waters surrounding Workers’ Compensation & Employee Benefits in our latest seminar to help employers spot, identify, and defend their company from lurking sharks. Suit up, we’re diving into our discussion...
Aug 27, 2019 | Business Insurance Tips, General Insurance, Insurance Tips, Personal Insurance Tips |
Technology has made an impact on every industry and whether or not you are pro-technology or against it, we can all agree it is here to stay. Insurance is no exception and our industry is changing at an unprecedented pace. As risk advisers, we draw your attention to...
Jul 17, 2019 | Business Insurance Tips, General Insurance, Insurance Tips, Personal Insurance Tips |
According to the Grammarist, adviser and advisor are both accepted spellings of the noun meaning one who advises or counsels. There is no difference between them. However, adviser, the older version, is listed as the primary spelling in most dictionaries, and it is...
Jun 25, 2019 | Business Insurance Tips, General Insurance, Insurance Tips |
On June 11, 2019, HAWK Advisers hosted a seminar where David Smith, Vice President of Risk Management and Compliance with EbenConcepts, provided an employer primer on self-funded health plans (including level-funded or balance funded) and discussed the risk, finance...
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