Aug 29, 2017 | Business Insurance Tips, General Insurance, Insurance Tips, Insurance Training & Seminars, Personal Insurance Tips |
Officer Johnson and Officer Hodges from the Roanoke City Police Department spoke about workplace violence on August 23, 2017. Their focus was on how to respond to an active shooter or violent intruder in the workplace. There is no right thing to do in this...
Aug 24, 2017 | Business Insurance Tips, General Insurance, Insurance Tips, Insurance Training & Seminars
HAWK Advisers hosted a seminar on August 23, 2017 on “Protecting Your Business” from potential disasters such as financial threats, workplace violence, and cyber-crimes. How can you protect your company from the loss of an essential employee? By making it a priority...
Aug 8, 2017 | Business Insurance Tips, General Insurance, Insurance Tips, Personal Insurance Tips |
As a farmer in the state of Virginia, you have a choice when it comes to registering the vehicles you use on your farm—you can get farm use tags or F-tags. Farm use tags have the least requirements for registration and fees, however it comes with the most...
Jun 28, 2017 | Business Insurance Tips, General Insurance, Insurance Tips, Personal Insurance Tips |
We live in a world where we have access to everything right at our fingertips and we have come to expect this in the computerized world that we live in. Pre-ordering Chipotle to avoid the long line, paying for your Starbucks drink through an app so you don’t have to...
Mar 8, 2017 | Community, Insurance Tips, Insurance Training & Seminars, Marketing |
HAWK Advisers is excited to announce the launch of our volunteer program. Employees will volunteer four paid hours towards a local nonprofit of their choosing. We are thrilled to provide our employees with an opportunity to support a cause that they are passionate...
Feb 20, 2017 | Insurance Tips, Insurance Training & Seminars, Marketing |
September 26-28 The annual Keystone National Partner Meeting was held in Chicago, Illinois. Over 200 partner agencies attended with over 1,000 in attendance. The purpose of this meeting is to educate, network, and strengthen each other as a group. Insurance can be...
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