
Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation insurance is a significant expense for most companies and one of the most poorly-managed lines of insurance. Claims management, loss control and injury prevention are three components to keeping costs under control.

HAWK Advisers will assist your business by starting a dialogue to understand your current claims procedures, review loss history and generate a report to target areas that are driving costs.  Throughout this process, we will analyze claims trends, flag repeat offenders, make industry comparisons, and maximize experience-based incentives to lower manageable costs.

We assist clients using a variety of methods including, loss control support, experience modification forecasting, improved return-to-work programs, functional evaluation & baseline testing, fraud prevention, and employer incentive programs.  We will also review your program to make sure your premiums adequately reflect your operation, payroll reports, and loss experience.

As an independent insurance agency, we represent many types of business; and our extensive carrier network gives our clients access to top national, regional, and specialized workers’ compensation markets.  For larger companies, we can also provide assistance in setting up self-insurance or captive programs.

Start a conversation with a HAWK Adviser to discuss ways to reduce expense costs, improve claims performance, and lower your workers’ compensation premium.

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Contact HAWK-Commercial
Get in touch with a HAWK commercial insurance adviser by calling (540) 343-4309, or drop us a line using the form below.
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